Marketing Video, Geelong

December 21, 2015

Macbac: A strange name for a great device! The Macac is a revolutionary new piece of gym equipment: So new that it’s still in the development stage. The Macbac measures core strength, a task that in the past was left to timing how long you could hold a particular position rather than a more accurate method.

The Tribe was approached by the inventors of Macbac to produce a marketing video for their product. The video is to form part of their arsenal, so they are well positioned to approach distributors and manufacturers with the hope of the product obtaining support and having their equipment distributed and used in gyms all around the world.

The Tribe utilised many years of working in commercial television, producing video programming, television commercials and corporate videos to assist this client in marketing their product. The video was scripted in advance, and the talent directed on the day to enable us to gather the footage required, and to produce a marketing video for Macbac.

Macbac is now poised and ready to take on the world!! First stop Asia before heading to the USA! Hopefully, it won’t be long before you see a Macbac in your local gym! When you do; think of The Tribe.