Monthly Archive: July 2018

Facebook Video Geelong

Reasons To Use Video, Geelong

July 19, 2018 In days gone by, books and written information were the fountain of learning. And while that is still true today, the lifestyles people lead have become so very busy, inundated with so much information, written and otherwise, that we need to be creative in how we communicate information to our audience. Written information is still...
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Welcome to our 17/18 – 4th quarter e-Newsletter Video Update!

July 10, 2018 Well, we saw a busy finish to the 17/18 year with jobs spread right through our neck of the woods – from Warrnambool to Geelong & Torquay to Bannockburn! And with our cameras shooting everything from winery visits, to scientific high pressure gas main tests, to Deakin lectures and night time fishing cruises, the variety...
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