Multi-Camera, Colac
January 15, 2019When producing video, particularly in a live-event styled setting, sometimes multiple cameras are required to cover the action of the day. The most commonly seen example of multi-camera coverage would be seen on television. It simply means a number of cameras focusing on a particular event or activity, with any one of those cameras being used ‘on air’ at any given time.
Usually this requires a ‘live switch’. A live switch sees a feed of each camera taken back into a device called a vision mixer, where the Director selects which camera will be utilised when. The Director also instructs the Camera Operators on what shot is required and which action to follow.
A variation of a multi-camera operation is when a Director with a crew, sets up multiple cameras in a similar way, but does not use a vision mixer to record the happenings. In this situation the footage is taken back to an edit suite and edited as if switched live. Either way, the result is a live television styled coverage.
Often multi-camera events mean big budgets, however, at The Tribe we have developed techniques and invested in equipment, training and expertise, that allows us to provide a big budget, multi-camera look and feel to our video productions, at very reasonable cost points. You can see an image of one of our small vision mixers below.

As you can see, it is small and compact, and well suited for lower budget events. The results are quite outstanding though, as can be seen in this clip which highlights a few examples of multi camera use.
So if you’re in the market for multi camera video production in Colac, chances are we have the solution for you. Contact us to find out more and we’ll look forward to speaking with you.